Best Hair Masks To Perfectly Suit On Your Hair Type

”Hair is revealing about your Health”, healthy and good looking hair enhances the glory of person. But Is it worth spending too much on buying expensive products or either nourishing your hair naturally with need some natural hair conditioning Masks which are beneficial to grow your hair faster and healthier. Ahead, we gathered a list of hair masks for every hair concern to add to your hair care routine.

Best Hair Masks To Perfectly Suit On Your Hair Type

“The three key points to keep in mind to promote hair growth”


Drink plenty of water (at least two-three litres) every day which hydrate your skin and nourish hair, preventing thinning, shedding and dry scalps.

Low PH level

Never use products that contain high PH levels because it can damage your hair. Always make sure while using shampoo and conditioners natural and have low PH level.

Wash and Condition your Hairs

Wash your hairs only 2–3 times a week. Make sure not to wash your hair with hot water. “Always use lukewarm water.” In order to get luscious, healthy looking hair condition your hairs 2 times a week with these hair masks.

Aloe Vera Mask

Aloe vera is very good for hair growth, dandruff and regulates the oil secretion of scalp. This mask is excellent for dry and frizzy hair.


Aloe vera
Coconut oil
Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil add 2 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel and blend it all in a mixer
Next apply this mask throughly to your hair and leave it for 1 hour.
Then wash it off with normal water and a good shampoo
Fenugreek Seeds Mask
Fenugreek is highly effective for treating hair loss and rebuilding hair follicles. Coconut milk contains protein and essential fats that promote hair growth, hydrates, strengthens and prevent further hair loss. This mask promotes hair growth and prevents the scalp from drying out and also brings dandruff under control.


Fenugreek seeds
Coconut milk (Prepare at home by adding a freshly grated coconut to a pan of water. Simmer it for 5 minutes. Strain when cool.)
Soak 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water, overnight
In the morning, out the water and store it separately.
Next add 1/2 cup coconut milk to the fenugreek seeds and blend it in a mixer.
Apply this mixture to your hair and leave it for 1 hour and then shampoo you hair off properly

Egg and Banana Mask


1 egg,1 banana,1 tablespoon of honey. Put all three ingredients in a mixer and blend them together well.
Next, apply the mix all over your hairs evenly and thoroughly.
Then tie your hair together and put on a shower cap or you can also use a cloth to cover your hair. Leave your hair like this for 1 hour.
Thereafter, use normal water and a good shampoo to wash your hair. The water should not be cold, otherwise the oil will not come out of the hairs properly.
Castor Oil Mask
Being rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, especially omega-9 fatty acids, castor oil promotes hair growth naturally.


Castor oil
coconut oil


  • Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of castor oil and put them in a steel container.
  • Next, put the steel container in hot water and heat the mixture.
  • Next, remove the steel container from the hot water and mix the contents thoroughly.
  • Allow the mixture of the oils to cool down, until it is lukewarm.
  • And use this mix to gently and thoroughly massage your scalp.
  • Let it sit for 30 to 45 minutes and then wash it off with normal water and shampoo.

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